- Global National TV News: Everyday Hero segment
- Pacific Jamboree 2011, Interview about the MedVent program
- Watch Your Step! Safety Week 2016 (MedVents)
- Scouts Canada: Emergency Services Training Camp 2015
- MedVents 2014-2015
- 24th Ottawa Medical Venturers (MedVents)
- Peel MedVents Channel
- An introduction to what we do in Peel Medical Venturers.
- 1st London MedVents, December 2011
- Bohemian Rhapsody - Medvent Style!
- 33rd Medvents at Royal Jubilee
- High School 9-1-1
MedVents in the news:
- Bradford teen a member of MedVents
- Scouts Canada Venturers learn emergency response skills at Community Safety Village in Whitchurch-Stouffville
- Challenge and Service — the heart and soul of Venturers and Rovers across Canada.
- Trio of Venturer Scouts Honoured
- Tribute to EMS at Scouts Canada Adult Recognition Ceremonies
- Program Provides Opportunities for Canadian Youth Interested in EMS
MedVent Group Sponsors:
- BC Ambulance Service
- Canadian College of Emergency Medical Services (CCEMS)
- The County of Brant Ambulance Service
- Emergency Medical Care Inc.
- Frontenac Paramedic Service
- Greater Vancouver Medical Assistants Services Team Society
- Middlesex-London Emergency Medical Services
- Ottawa Paramedic Service
- Peel Regional Paramedic Services
- Region of Durham Paramedic Service
- Region of Waterloo Paramedic Services Services (PSV)
- Toronto Paramedic Services
- The United Church of Canada
- York Region Paramedic Services
Here are some useful links:
- Scouts Canada
- The Mikey Network
- Ontario Paramedic Association
- Toronto Paramedic Association
- EMO Amateur Radio Emergency Service Group
- Ontario Association of Paramedic Chiefs (OAPC)
- Tema Conter Memorial Trust