Are you interested in meeting a challenge and give back to the community?
Medical Venturers, MedVents, is a Scouts Canada vocational program whose members have an interest in the medical field. The sponsor of the group is usually local Paramedic Services. The vocational group can be an independent Scout group or be a program within a Scout group.
The program is open to both males and females from the ages 15 years old to 26 years old. No Scouting or Guiding experience is necessary but would be helpful. All MedVent members will register and be expected to fulfil the requirements of being Scouting members.
Depending on the group, they may only offer the program to Venturer Scouts, ages 15 to 17 years old, or Rover Scouts, ages 18 to 26 years old. Venturer aged members are called Medical Venturers (MedVents). Rover age members are occasionally called Medical Rovers (MedRovers). However, many still call themselves MedVents, the name of the program.
We also accept adult volunteers, who are over 26 years of age, as Scouters. Scouters will be part of the team that help runs the program. Scouters have the option of helping with the scouting program or the vocational program or both. Our Scouters are all volunteers.
Scouts Canada is a volunteer organization. The vocational program expects all its members to provide volunteer service as part of their training program. You are expected to complete both the Scouting program and the vocational program together. Please be aware that your time commitment in the program will be more than a Scouting member. MedVent members, regardless of their age, are expected to fulfil all the Scouter requirements.